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Jewelry Cleaning and Corona-virus

So many questions right now so we thought we'd help out with some answers! We had a little help from multiple resources... thank you everyone.

How should I wash my rings and jewelry?

Can corona-virus live on jewelry and metals?

Can I use hand sanitizer while wearing my rings?

All Preferred Retailers encourage regular cleaning of your jewelry in order to keep your jewelry items always looking their best. This is especially important now during the COVID-19 epidemic. So, until you can visit your Preferred Retailer again we wanted to give you a few important tips. We want to ensure everyone stays as safe and healthy as possible while still enjoying their beautiful jewelry.

How to Clean Jewelry

Most fine jewelry like solid gold or platinum can undergo extensive cleaning and the high temperatures used in steam cleaning. That is the method used by most jewelers to professionally clean fine jewelry. For self-cleaning, you can use any kind of commercial jewelry cleaner or soap and hot water. The only stones that cannot hold up to this intense kind of cleaning are pieces containing the following; colored stones, opals, kunzites, pearls, tourmalines or emeralds.

The General Advice for cleaning any kind of jewelry, is warm water and mild dish soap. For dirt and stubborn grime like lotion, sunscreen, and soap scrum buildup, you can use an old toothbrush or jewelry cleaning brush to get in all the nooks and crannies. Soap your rings up well, scrub all over, rinse, and then inspect underneath all stone settings and inside any engravings. You'll likely have to repeat a few times to dissolve all grime and to be sure they are thoroughly clean. You can also boil your rings in water mixed with a bit of bleach, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.

Make sure to allow jewelry to dry fully and completely, because trapped moisture is a common source of skin irritation. We recommend you self-clean your jewelry every few weeks to keep your investment and heirloom pieces looking their best.

During the health epidemic, feel free to do this even more often to ensure your jewelry remains clean. This type of cleaning will not kill bacteria or germs, but it will help remove them physically, the same way soap and water does when you wash your hands.

Tips About Jewelry Cleaning

If you'd like to disinfect your jewelry, you can use regular household isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as long as the jewelry is solid gold or platinum and is only set with diamond, ruby, or sapphire. Take care with any other kind of stones and use a gentler form of cleaning.

Can I use hand sanitizer on jewelry?

Yes, products like hand sanitizers can be used while wearing jewelry. Since gold and platinum are fine metals, they are hard surfaces and can be treated as such. But just rubbing hand sanitizer on your hands will not sanitize the jewelry itself - germs can stay hidden within the inside surfaces. It is best to clean the jewelry separately.

Should I take my rings off when washing my hands?

To make sure no germs remain trapped underneath your jewelry, yes. Generally it is a good idea to remove your jewelry pieces before washing your hands. But, be careful not to immediately put it all right back on afterwards- you'll just contaminate your hands again! Take the opportunity to wash your jewelry along with your hands each time.

What are some other ways to clean my jewelry?

Another method to clean jewelry is to actually use the dishwasher! This will sterilize your gems just like it does your plates. There are several products on the market created especially for this purpose. For a small items like a ring, you can put it in a tea strainer!

Well it sure will be nice to visit your Preferred Retailer again once everything settles down. They do all of this for you every time you go in for your inspection and update on your Preferred Warranty.

How much does it cost?

NOTHING, nada, zilch.

Note: Ring polishing may cost you if haven't been gifted a Preferred Warranty by your retailer. Polishing is when they take out the scratches of the metal of your ring. Ask your Preferred retailer if your items qualify for the Free Lifetime Nationwide Preferred Warranty.

How often should you go?

Once a month would be great, but let’s get real – we are all very busy. So if once a month sounds crazy to you, go as often as you would get your hair cut. If you get your hair cut every six months, there’s your answer. Preferred Warranty holders will get email reminders to let them know it's time to come in again.

What if they steal my diamond?

That's just another bonus of shopping at a Preferred retail location. The Nationwide Preferred Network is known for their loyalty, reputation and superior customer service. We believe in... Experiences that last a Lifetime™.

Please be safe and be well everyone...

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